Name: Alison Boutaugh - Director
Phone: (860) 923-9779
Members serve a 6 year term.
Mary T. Fatsi, Vice-Chair
Robert A. Lachance, Chair
Donna Lynch
Anna A. Naum
Bernadette Quercia
A. Aileen Witkowski, Secretary
The Library Board of Trustees meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month in the Library Conference Room (Thompson Public Library) @ 2:00 pm unless noted otherwise.
Existing by ordinance enacted by the Town of Thompson on March 10, 1976, the mission of the Thompson Public Library is to provide the best possible informational, educational, cultural and recreational services in a warm and inviting environment. The Board of Trustees may take such action and set appropriate policy consistent with the Library’s mission as to further the growth and development of library services to the public.