Today's Date:

Voting District Study Committee

Selectmen's Office
Attn: Voting District Study Committee

P O Box 899
North Grosvenordale, CT 06255

phone: (860) 923-9561

Fax: (860) 923-3836


Kathleen Herbert
James Sali
A. Richard Trudeau


This committee is an advisory committee to the Board of Selectmen.  Its charge is as follows:

  1. Explore all options available for voting districts.
  2. Analyze all budgetary aspects regarding voting districts.
  3. Investigate both centralized and decentralized voting district options including consolidation of voting districts to as low as a single district.
  4. Evaluate State laws and mandates.
  5. Evaluate work force needed at voting districts currently versus requirements for consolidation of districts.
  6. Evaluate the impact of same day voter registration.
  7. Evaluate voter turnout.
  8. Comparisons of voter districts to other municipalities.
  9. Evaluate history of voter decline.
  10. Evaluate history of voting districts.
  11. Evaluate percentage of voter registrations to actual votes during referenda and elections.




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