Mary Ann Chinatti - Director of Planning and Development
(860) 923-9475
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Janet Blanchette - Chair
Bernie Davis
Raymond Faucher, Jr.
JoAnn Hall
Steve Lewis
Norma O’Leary
Belding-Corticelli Improvment Committee (BCIC) Charge
- Investigate the feasibility and search for grants for a potential Belding-Corticelli Park to be located at 630 Riverside Drive.
- Ensure that the project shall not require the use of local revenues but may make use of in-kind services to include Town personnel and equipment.
- Ensure that the project shall comply with all local, state and federal guidelines to include the Town of Thompson’s bidding policy.
- Encourage local volunteerism for project to ensure local buy in and minimize the overall project cost.
- Ensure that any single expense under $10,000 shall have consensus of committee and First Selectman and any single expense over $10,000 requires approval of the Board of Selectman.
- Reports to Board of Selectmen on progress on a quarterly basis.
The Belding-Corticelli Improvement Committee meets the 2nd Friday of each month at 9:00am in the Merrill Seney Community Room in the Thompson Town Hall, unless otherwise noticed in advance.