Today's Date:

Mill Sites Redevelopment Advisory Committee (formerly Belding-Corticelli Improvement Committee)

Mary Ann Chinatti - Director of Planning and Development
(860) 923-9475
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Janet Blanchette - Chair
Bernie Davis
Raymond Faucher, Jr.
JoAnn Hall
Steve Lewis
Norma O’Leary


Belding-Corticelli Improvment Committee (BCIC) Charge

  1. Investigate the feasibility and search for grants for a potential Belding-Corticelli Park to be located at 630 Riverside Drive.
  2. Ensure that the project shall not require the use of local revenues but may make use of in-kind services to include Town personnel and equipment.
  3. Ensure that the project shall comply with all local, state and federal guidelines to include the Town of Thompson’s bidding policy.
  4. Encourage local volunteerism for project to ensure local buy in and minimize the overall project cost.
  5. Ensure that any single expense under $10,000 shall have consensus of committee and First Selectman and any single expense over $10,000 requires approval of the Board of Selectman.
  6. Reports to Board of Selectmen on progress on a quarterly basis.


The Belding-Corticelli Improvement Committee meets the 2nd Friday of each month at 9:00am in the Merrill Seney Community Room in the Thompson Town Hall, unless otherwise noticed in advance.


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815 Riverside Drive
No. Grosvenordale, CT 06255

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