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Inland Wetlands Commission

Name:     Marla Butts - Wetlands Agent
Phone:    (860) 923-1852
Email:     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Members serve a 5 year term.

Jarrett Thomas - Chair

Francesca G. Morano, Vice Chair

H. Charles Obert, Treasurer

Diane Chapin

Victoria L Szamocki

George T. O'Neil, III



The Town of Thompson Inland Wetlands Commission regulates all operations and uses within inland wetlands and watercourses and any earth moving, fill, construction or clear-cutting of trees within 100 feet of any wetland or watercourse, and within 200 feet of the ten most noteworthy wetlands in Thompson, as identified in the Town of Thompson Inland Wetland Inventory, prepared by the Northeast Connecticut Regional Planning Agency, 1980 (available in the Inland Wetlands Office). In addition, the CT General Statutes and town regulations allow for the regulation of any activity beyond  the 100 foot regulated area if specific conditions, such as steep slopes, exist.


There are five different application forms for activities in and near inland wetlands and watercourses.

Permit Application form to conduct a regulated activity is used for any proposal involving the alteration of a wetland or watercourse, or significant earth disturbance in the 100 foot regulated upland review area.

Wetland Agent Approval form is used for any proposal within the 100 foot upland review area which involves no more than a minimal impact to a wetland or watercourse.

Subdivision Review Application form is used for any subdivision involving land that contains inland wetlands or watercourses regulated by the Inland Wetlands Commission. State law requires that prior to the Thompson Planning and Zoning Commission rendering a decision on a subdivision involving land that is regulated as an inland wetland or watercourse it must first consider the decision made by the Inland Wetlands Commission on an application for that subdivision. To address this requirement the Inland Wetlands Commission has a subdivision application form.  This is for conceptual approval only and is not intended for permitted activities. If a subdivision includes the construction of roads or other structures within a wetland or watercourse, or within 100 feet of a wetland or watercourse, a permit application must be submitted for those activities. Also, construction on any individual building lot that contains wetlands must also be individually permitted.

Certain activities may be uses permitted as of right or non-regulated uses and therefore exempt from individual permitting or approval requirements. They are described in Section 4 of the Thompson Inland Wetlands Regulations. However, it is within the Commission's jurisdiction to review these activities to determine whether they are regulated or not. If you believe your activity is a use permitted as of right or a non-regulated use, you must request a determination from the Commission on a form provided by the Commission. There is a special form for timber harvests located in wetlands or within 100 feet of a wetland or watercourse and a different form for all other requests for jurisdictional rulings.

Note: If an application proposes the disturbance of one or more acres of land, either individually or collectively as part of a larger common plan you are advised to contact the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection on your need to obtain coverage under DEEP’s General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters Associated with Construction Activities.  For more information click here or call 860-424-3025.


The Inland Wetlands Commission regularly meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Merrill Seney Community Room in the Thompson Town Hall @ 7:00 pm.  It also schedules site walks for the Saturday preceding the regular meeting beginning at 9:00 am. The site walk is cancelled if it is not needed.  When a site walk is needed the posted agenda identifies the meeting location(s).  

See the calendar for scheduled meeting dates.


  • 1972 - The Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act (sections 22a-36 through 22a-45 of the Connecticut General Statutes) was enacted providing for the regulation of inland wetlands and watercourses.
  • February 26, 1973 - Thompson passed an authorizing ordinance establishing the pre-existing Conservation Commission as Thompson’s inland wetlands agency, which then became known as the Thompson Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commission.
  • May 20, 1974 - The Commission adopted first wetlands and watercourse regulations.
  • October 11, 1988 - These regulations were revised establishing a 50-foot buffer/setback from wetlands and watercourse in general and a 100-foot buffer/setback from 10 especially noteworthy wetlands and watercourses based on a report entitled “Town of Thompson Inland Wetland Inventory” dated 1980 (see Documents & Forms, Advice& Resource Information for PDF of document).
  • April 17, 2005 – The authorizing ordinance was revised creating an Inland Wetlands Commission separating its functions from the Conservation Commission.
  • March 15, 2006 – The Inland Wetlands Commission revised the regulations redefining the buffer/setback to an upland review area and doubled the distance from 50 feet & 100 feet to 100 feet & 200 feet, respectively.
  • February 3, 2017 – The authorizing ordinance was revised providing a history of ordinance changes and spelling out the Inland Wetlands Commission’s powers and authority (see Documents & Forms, Rules & Regulations).


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815 Riverside Drive
No. Grosvenordale, CT 06255

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